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Monday - Friday: 11:30am to 3pm

Happy Hour
Everyday: 4pm to 6pm

Monday - Thursday: 4pm to 9:30pm
Friday - Saturday: 4pm to 10pm
Sunday: 4pm to 9:30pm

Saturday - Sunday: 10am to 3pm

Located in the heart of the
Mercer Island Business District

7650 SE 27th Street
Mercer Island, WA 98040




At Bennett’s we are committed to serving authentic, original food. You won’t find artificial preservatives, colors or sweeteners. No flavor enhancers, hydrogenated oils or processed foods. What you will find, are the freshest, most authentic ingredients we can offer.

Most of our ingredients are deeply rooted in the Cascadia region – an area extending from northern California to southern Alaska, and the coast to the continental divide, taking in Washington, most of Oregon and Idaho and part of Montana.

We buy from producers who share our commitment to whole foods and handmade fare. People dedicated to the simple pleasures of creating delicious food and drink the way it was intended to be made; fresh from the earth, the sea and the vine.