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Marine PC's & WIFI by IslandTime PC

IslandTime has lowered the Cost of ethernet based wifi systems with the introduction of the IslandTime Groove Wifi System.  The new IslandTime Groove Systems are based on the Mikrotik Groove 52HPn which has a similar form factor to the Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP but uses a newer generation wifi chipset from Atheros.

The IslandTime Groove is our easiest wifi system to operate and has a more flexible operating mode allowing it to connect to some access points that were not available when using the IslandTime Bullet system.


IslandTime PC's are 12 or 24 volt, power efficient computers for cruisers or voyagers.

Each computer is custom built to your requirements.  We don't keep a stock of parts that quickly become outdated.  Instead we provide the latest technology as it becomes available.

The 4th Generation Core i3/i5/7 systems are available.  These systems idle at 18-20 watts and most computing chores use 20-30 watts .  A full featured system with a core i3-4130T, 2.9 Ghz, 2 core, 4 thread CPU, with Windows 7 Professional, 4 COM ports and 8 USB 2.0 & 4 USB 3.0 ports is around $1059.  

 Run Coastal Explorer, Nobeltec TZ Trident or Admiral 11, Maxsea Time Zero, or RayTech RNS 6.2 and get optimum performance with minimal power consumption.  Support for up to 3 monitors is available.


Our Marine PC page shows you several popular computers, their configuration and their approximate price. Let us know what your requirements are and we will build a system for you.

IslandTime PC
243 W. Orange Ave., Wewahitchka, FL 32465, USA



Various case styles and sizes are available

New IslandTime In-Line System and Mount

8.74" w x 6.93"h x 10.87" d
Original 8" x 8" x 4"


IslandTime PC * 243 W. Orange Ave. * Wewahitchka, FL 32465 * USA

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