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may is military appreciation month

We think every month is National Military Appreciation Month. Take time todayt to recognize and honor our current and former members of the armed forces, including those who have died in the pursuit of freedom and peace. Here are some ways you can support our military veterans this month according to the National Military Appreciation Month website. Fly the American flag at your house, on your car or at your business. Send a care package to a soldier through U.S.A. Cares. Send an e-mail or letter of thanks through A Million Thanks. When you see a person in a military uniform, shake their hand and say ?Thank you for serving our country.? Hire a Veteran today! Don't forget our Veterans! Our American Veterans paved the way and were excellent role models for our country. They put their lives on the line for us too, and they need our love and support.


To support American Vets with your Donation go to http://www.dav.org

Thank You! Thank you very much!

Randy Elvis Walker future appearnces


Randy Elvis Waker Testimonial


For Booking & Fan Club
Information Send Randy a Note...


Rock with Me!

Please Support Our
Military Families & Veterans

Performance photos
by Mary Robinson


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Congratulations to D.J. Fontana on your induction into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame!




Get your copy of the

Graceland Express Book


Click here for pictures from

Graceland Express
 Book Release Party 




"Elvis would be so very proud to know that there is a tribute artist like Randy Elvis Walker performing his songs! Randy Elvis looks like Elvis, sounds like Elvis, moves like Elvis and, most importantly, is the ultimate professional performer, just like Elvis Presley. I highly recommend Randy Elvis Walker as a performer and as someone who can help you market your product. He gave 150% effort to our "Graceland Express" book release party, and was an absolute delight to work with. I plan to include Randy Elvis in future marketing and entertainment events. Randy Elvis Walker is Elvis!"
Holly Feist, Palatka, FL



Randy Elvis Walker will captivate your
audience as he "ROCKS" your event.

The Special Memories of Elvis, performed

by one of America's most dynamic

Elvis Impersonators / Tribute Artists


Appearance Schedule

Date and location will be posted here when confirmed. We will help you promote all public events we participate in with social media. Private and Corporate functions are not open to the public.


LOVE ELVIS!?Please join Dee Brown, "The Charlie Stracuzzi Orchestra" and myself as we take you on a journey through Elvis' musical career like none other you have ever seen. Meet and greet and have your picture taken and signed with Elvis & Dee after the Concert. We look forward to seeing you there to "ROCK THE HOUSE" with you!

?ELVIS THE CONCERT? is your opportunity to show your love and support when you purchase tickets or make a donation to benefit American Cancer Society "To Fight for a CURE" while enjoying an Evening with Elvis with your family and friends.

A message from Dee Brown: ?ELVIS! ELVIS! ELVIS! You won't want to miss "ELVIS THE SHOW" starring RANDY ELVIS WALKER and "THE CHARLIE STRACUZZI ORCHESTRA".with special guest? yours truly, DEE BROWN.

You will hear such Romantic Ballads as "LOVE ME TENDER" and "LOVING YOU", from the Early Elvis days to "BURNING LOVE" and "SUSPICIOUS MINDS" in the 70's. Randy Elvis Walker travels internationally performing at sold out venues. Some of you may remember Randy Elvis Walker and his band performed at SOLD OUT Concerts in front of over 1000 Elvis Fans in St. Augustine, Florida. Two sold-out concerts at Largo Cultural Center, and The World Famous Club Tropigala at the Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach. He has always been a HUGE supporter of American Cancer Society performing internationally.

Randy Elvis Walker is a true premier Elvis tribute artist keeping alive the MEMORIES of our true icon, ELVIS AARON PRESLEY.

Portions of the proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. If you cannot make it to "Elvis the Show", please make a donation to the cause by contacting Derryl Brown at 904-635- 2005.

You can also buy a ticket for someone who is unable to attend. Tickets are limited and are going fast!

Get your tickets now by contacting Derryl Brown at 904-635-2005.

I look forward to meeting you and seeing you at "ELVIS THE SHOW".

God Bless! Thank you! Thank you very much! I Love You All!


Have a great week and keep ROCKING TO ELVIS & THE OLDIES!

RANDY ELVIS WALKER, orchestra and DJ are available for?

Private Events, Public Events, Corporate Functions, and Weddings. 

All occasions big or small. We will travel! 

Contact us at 904-687-1521 or 954-224-5005

We will create a special and memorable event for you and your guests.

Act Now!

Call 904.687.1521 (954.224.5005 in South Florida)
to book Florida's most dynamic Elvis
tribute performer for your event in 2014!

Randy Elvis Walker
will travel to your location
- worldwide -

randy elvis walker with young fans
Randy Elvis Walker with young fans!
randy elvis walker wedding officiant

randy elvis walker performs weddings"Elvis was definitely at my wedding!  Randy Elvis Walker was AMAZING as he officiated and performed at my Wedding in Palm Beach, Fl. last Sunday.  Elvis came in and made my day very special and memorable from the moment he entered the building to the time he left.  Everyone was asking for more. My guests have been calling to say how much he sounds like Elvis and how he becomes Elvis during his performance and interaction.  I have been in the entertainment industry myself and have never seen any Elvis performer who looks, sounds, moves and has the charisma as Elvis like Mr. Walker.  I was totally surprised by my husband and mother when he filled in for the pastor and made my day very special and one I will never forget.  His performance was outstanding. Thank you Mr. Walker for being a part of my special day." 

 T. Holt, Germany

