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About MFCI

Minorities for Christ International (MFCI), formed by a group of Christians who care for minorities, is an international mission organization. The main goal is to share the love of Christ and the care of overseas Christians and churches with those forgotten minorities by bringing the Gospel deep into their land.

According to statistics, there are 55 minority groups in China. However, based on the research of experts in mission study, there are may be over 500 minority groups in China, with the total population exceeding one billion. These minority groups have their unique languages, clothing, and customs.

The minority groups are widely scattered all over China. Although life near the costal regions is already very modern and prosperous, it is a very different story for the minorities who live in the rural areas and in the mountainous regions. They live fairly primitive and difficult lives.
Just like the doves, we want to spread the good news throughout all the land so that all tribes will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel. We deeply believe that through your love and partnership, we will one day see mountains and valleys dancing with joy, and hear streams and rivers singing praises to our Lord Jesus Christ.



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Address:  P O Box 62047. Sunnyvale, CA 94088 USA Email: love@mfci.org
Tel: (408)732-7810   (Office)
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