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New Arrivals


We have been striving for over 35 years to bring quality products with high value to Arkansas... first with pianos and for over 20 years with furniture.  Welcome to our web site where we will give you an idea of who we are, what we offer and how we can help you make your house the home of your dreams.

Company History

Our company began in 1970 when Betty Nichols and her two sons, John and Joe, started selling pianos out of a small 1200 square foot store at the corner of University Avenue and 12th street.  Selling and delivering pianos was difficult at first, including working Christmas eve until midnight acting as Santa Clause.  But, soon the business grew, added employees and expanded to 8,000 square feet in the original location.

In the mid eighties, the organ business started to decline and after researching many products including televisions and stereos, a line of furniture was added and marketed under the company name Nichols Custom Furniture, because all of our furniture was special ordered and manufactured on a custom basis.  This was housed in a small portion of the 12th and University showroom.

In 1986, knowing that we needed to expand the furniture showroom, we began a search for a new home.  At that time, West Markham Street ended shortly beyond Shackleford Road and one of the last buildings to the west was the St. Paul Insurance building.  The 31,000 square feet was more than we could possibly use, but we took the plunge and purchased this building in 1987.  During the move we changed our name to be Nichols Furniture Company to reduce the confusion of the word "custom" since we no longer special ordered everything we sold.  After completing the move, our new building seemed cavernous, but we gradually expanded our furniture inventory to fill every available space. 

Ten years later, in 1997, we were literally "bursting at the seems"  with boxed furniture stacked everywhere.  So we quickly rented a 5,000 square foot warehouse as a temporary measure.  Nine years later, in 2005, we finally purchased our new 16,000 square foot warehouse on Colonel Glenn Road which gives us room to grow for the future.

Furniture production in China has exploded in the last few years and a majority of manufacturing facilities in this country have closed.  This has left us with the increasingly difficult task of locating and purchasing quality furniture that is still a value and not overpriced.  We have suppliers in the United States as well as Canada, Mexico, South America and Europe which I think you will agree produce excellent quality products that are still affordable.

In the future, we look forward to locating additional manufacturers for the type of furniture we desire to sell and you expect to see displayed in our store.  We sell the type of furniture we would  use in our own homes.

Contact Information

Our building is located on the northwest hilltop corner of Shackleford Road and Markham Street in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Postal address
108 North Shackleford Road, Little Rock, AR  72211
Electronic mail
General Information: Info@NicholsFurniture.net
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday 10AM - 6PM
Saturday 10AM - 5PM
Sunday - Closed





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Send mail to Joe@NicholsFurniture.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 12/19/06